Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Going back to tried and true weight loss techniques, and a few new twists!

It is time to stop whining about how my body seems stuck again and doesn't want to lose weight. We all know that is an excuse, a good one, but one I am tired of. I am back to the emotional point I was at a couple of years ago when I didn't have 10 pounds to lose, but 40. So, I'm putting it into perspective. It's not 40, it's 10. I can keep whining and stuffing my face and it will be 40, or I can get off of the pity pot and go back to doing the things I was doing then, now.

The most important changes I made were both in my diet and by doing some form of movement each day. I ate fewer calories, less meat and more of things like green tea and water-laden fruits and veggies. I also got moving for at least a half an hour, twice a day. In fact, even five minutes twice a day started making a huge difference in my mood and energy, which encouraged me to keep going. So here I am again, five minutes. By the way, I got that treadmill I was promised for Christmas. Yea, because I ordered it . . .

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