Before leaving we discussed ways to save money on the road. We were already planning on staying at a friend's home near Yellowstone which takes a good week off of our motel expenses, and we got the van serviced (amazing how your fuel economy increases once you get the mouse nest out of the air filter.) The biggest boon to our budget was grocery shopping before we left.
I filled a cooler and a plastic bin with healthy, low- or good-fat items that we would all eat on the road. I used the top of the ice chest like a counter to prepare sandwiches and to open cans, and we honestly have not visited one restaurant yet! This is the following Thursday as I write this. By the way, no one is suffering, crying or complaining about the menu. We all eat as we desire, which I suspect is a lot less than we do at home. At various sites we are getting out and walking to see the attractions, but not getting any other planned exercise.
Below is a list of what we packed:
Plastic bowls, plates, silverware and cups (clean silverware as you go to conserve)
can opener
Canned tuna in water (a great low-fat protein)
Canned beans like black beans, pinto, beans in chili sauce, and northern beans (low-fat protein, high in fiber)
Canned pineapple (chock-full of digestive enzymes)
Canned corn (low-fat fiber)
Fresh apples, oranges and bananas (vitamins, fiber, sweet)
Individual containers of organic applesauce, two flavors
Fresh lettuce (fresh crunch to sandwiches and salads, fiber)
Fresh sliced onions, carrots and celery (fiber, crunch and fresh flavor to sandwiches)
Bottle of ranch salad dressing (dip for cut veggies)
Whole grain bagels and mini-bagels (for smaller tummies)
Neufatchel cheese (like cream cheese but 1/3 the fat)
Natural peanut butter (protein satisfies)
Raw honey
Whole grain bread
Whole grain tortillas
Granola bars
String cheese (low-fat favorite for kids)
Sliced provolone and reduced-fat cheddar cheese
No preservative, natural sliced turkey (healthy, lean protein)
Olive oil mayonnaise (half the fat of mayo, heart-healthy fat)
Mustard (fat-free flavor)
Relish (fat-free flavor, but does have sugar)
Organic wheat crackers in plain and tomato-basil
Pitted prunes (the kids love them)
Britta water filter 18 cup size (fill up and use along the way) - no yucky city water!
Organic apple juice and black cherry juice (helps with constipation, too)
Toilet paper (for our final destination)
Total cost: $145 to feed a family of 6 for at least one week on the road, with tons of leftover food to eat while at our destination.
If we went to a restaurant 3 times a day, we would have spent at least $180 a DAY, in comparison. I like it!
For more weightloss tips, see my book
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