Now my book is about making slow changes so they last, and that is what I have done to keep in my size 1's and 3's for the past two years.
This week I want a quick loss that if I maintain - great, but honestly, who cares! I want to get bikini ready for a 6 day vacation during which I can pig out and not worry about my waistline!
For a quick drop, I go to my handy 6-day mini-makeover card that came in my Michael Thurman's 6 Week Body Makeover Kit
You do get sick of eating 2-3 ounces of protein (chicken, turkey, or steak) 5-6 times a day (yes you will get sick of it, protein is so filling and I eat every two hours till about 7 p.m.) but you will NEVER be hungry.
You also need to walk (not do heavy-breathing cardio, just a nice, walk) for one hour a day for 6 days. I eat dinner at 7 pm and switch the veggies for a slow-sugar release carb like a red potato or sweet potato, and add a banana or apple. A half an hour later I get on my treadmill and watch a t.v. show for an hour, and I am done!
I have gone down a size already, and I can see my abs again. Normally I hang out at ten lbs. over my "best" weight just because I can maintain that with no purposeful exercise and eating pretty much what I want - although I am a pretty healthy eater - I just eat a lot! So, order it. It isn't cheap, but if you do it, it does work.
Note, I said if you do it. You know yourself, if you are going to add it to the stack of work-out dvd's next to your television (guilty) then don't waste your money. Buy my book for a measly $15 and add in a tip a week. Believe me, the weight will come off, just not in a week!
If you liked this, you might also like: My blog; or more Healthy Foods articles. Read this one about enzymes and weight loss!
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Photo by Graur Codrin, courtesy of
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