In the healthiest participants, those who did not smoke, drank within healthy limits, got in a minimum of only two hours of exercise a week, and ate at least 3 servings of fruit a day, only 8% of the group died over the course of the twenty year study. It's easy to see why kicking the smoking habit, drinking in moderation, and getting some exercise is good for your health and appearance, but how does eating fruit make you live longer, healthier, and younger?
A major benefit of eating whole fruits is the fiber. Fiber fills you up so you eat less, but that's just the beginning. Fiber cleans your digestive tract and colon, improving the function and strength of the large intestine. This moves your food though the digestive tract more efficiently and increases the size of your stool, preventing constipation and hemorrhoids. Fiber also lowers your blood cholesterol, slows the absorption of sugar (which helps control diabetes,) and helps prevent colon cancer. It also helps you lose weight. Aaaah, now I've got your attention!
One reason is that foods rich in fiber, like whole grains, fruits and vegetables, beans, legumes and lentils, and whole grain breads and cereals, are usually lower in calories and fat than fiber-poor foods. In addition, fiber slows down the absorption of sugar, so you don't get a sugar rush then a couple of hours later, a drop with accompanying lethargy and fatigue. When you drop, you are more tempted to reach for another soda, candy bar, or other quick fix which not only repeats the cycle but packs on the pounds. This repetition of sugar and insulin stresses your pancreas and can lead to diabetes, but also ages your organs, including your largest: your skin. In addition, when you are tired you just look older than you actually are.
Another benefit of fiber is that it tends to bind to fats and proteins, carrying the excess from your digestive tract, so it doesn't end up on your hips. Many of us are concerned about getting enough protein, but the truth is that the American diet, in particular, provides far more protein than we actually need. The easiest way to figure out how much is enough is to take your weight and divide it by half. That gives you a good estimate of the grams of protein you need every day. Anything above that is not helping you gain muscle unless you are doing load-bearing exercise like weight-lifting. Like any other unused calorie, it just gets converted to fat.
The good news is that fiber absorbs a significant portion of the calories you eat as it moves through your digestive system. One study showed that if you eat plenty of fiber-rich foods with each meal, and make no other changes in your diet or exercise routine, you could lose as much as ten pounds over a year! Wow - I'll buy that for a dollar!
So, which foods contain the greatest amounts of fiber? The answer might surprise you.
The foods highest in fiber are not greens, not apples, not even celery, it's beans! In comparison, 1 cup of vegetables has about 3 grams of fiber; a cup of raspberries or blackberries contains about 8 grams of fiber, but a cup of beans contains 12-16 grams of fiber! Adding a half cup of cooked beans to every meal will give you only about 100 calories, but as much as 8 grams of fiber, the same as a large apple and a side salad. Beans also provide you with a serving of protein. Not a fan of beans for breakfast? Try a 3/4 cup serving of Fiber One cereal - it reportedly contains 21 monstrous grams of fiber. Another option is All Bran cereal, which reportedly contains 10 grams of fiber per serving.
Effortless Weightloss: Small Changes That Lead To Extraordinary Results!
The Program: The Brain-Smart Approach to the Healthiest You: The Life-Changing 12-Week Method
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