Dr. Perricone, author of many books including:
The Perricone Weight-Loss Diet: A Simple 3-Part Plan to Lose the Fat, the Wrinkles, and the Years
Young: The Science of Nutrigenomics for Glowing, Wrinkle-Free Skin and Radiant Health at Every Age;
Dr. Perricone's 7 Secrets to Beauty, Health, and Longevity: The Miracle of Cellular Rejuvenation
has identified acai has the number one "super food" on the planet.
Young: The Science of Nutrigenomics for Glowing, Wrinkle-Free Skin and Radiant Health at Every Age;
has identified acai has the number one "super food" on the planet.
What's so special about this little berry? In this Oprah.com article, it is reported that Açaí pulp contains:
- "A remarkable concentration of antioxidants that help combat premature aging, with 10 times more antioxidants than red grapes and 10 to 30 times the anthocyanins of red wine.
- A synergy of monounsaturated (healthy) fats, dietary fiber and phytosterols to help promote cardiovascular and digestive health.
- An almost perfect essential amino acid complex in conjunction with valuable trace minerals, vital to proper muscle contraction and regeneration."
So, it's no secret that the açai berry has been prized for centuries as a source of health, energy, and longevity, long known as one of nature’s top superfoods. What's my recommended source? Without a doubt it's MonaVie.
MonaVie freeze-dried açai is unparalleled in its antioxidant strength. MonaVie’s freeze dried açai boasts more than 15 times the antioxidant capacity of whole blueberries and more than 20 times the antioxidant capacity of whole raspberries!
The science is overwhelming. In a nutshell, pre-clinical research on the freeze-dried açai used in MonaVie products shows it to have:
a. A high antioxidant capacity, especially against superoxide free radicals.
i. Freeze-dried açai in a SOD assay (SORAC) had one of the highest tested antioxidant capacities of
any fruit or vegetable to fight superoxide free radicals.
b.A high antioxidant capacity, especially against peroxyl free radicals.
c. A nutritional analysis of the freeze-dried açai used in MonaVie products found it to have anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, and other flavonoids.
How does this help you and me? Well, in comparing ORAC scores, four ounces of MonaVie has the equivalent antioxidant capacity of approximately 13 servings of fruits and vegetables.
So, consuming MonaVie helps you to maintain the healthy and active lifestyle you desire. People, like you and me, who regularly consume MonaVie have reported better health and an overall sense of well being.
If it's acai you want, then MonaVie products offer a simple and convenient solution to help meet some of your body’s nutritional needs. MonaVie’s premier açai blend delivers antioxidants and phytonutrients to help maintain and promote good health.
Click here for FREE access to my wholesale cost page as a Preferred Customer.
Information included in MonaVie's Approved Claims List for USA
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